Erling-Persson Foundation donates a further sek 100 million in humanitarian support for Ukraine

“The war in Ukraine has now been going on for nearly a year and there is a huge need for support, especially now in the colder months. We have therefore decided to donate a further SEK 100 million, which will once again go to Save the Children and the Red Cross who are working very hard in the region,” says Stefan Persson, chair of the Erling-Persson Foundation.

Save the Children is working in Ukraine and neighbouring countries by providing psychosocial support to children, parents and teachers, through educational initiatives, by restoring water systems destroyed in the course of the war, by distributing clean drinking water and hygiene items, and by providing families with cash for basic necessities such as food, rent and medicines, as well as in other ways. 

The Red Cross is ensuring that more and more families affected by the conflict receive help and protection, not least by supporting them with cash to strengthen the family’s finances. In the struggle against the cold, generators are also being distributed, heating systems installed and broken water pipes repaired. Both schools and hospitals are being supported with emergency water, heating equipment and basic necessities. People who are unable to fend for themselves are being evacuated, particularly older people. First aid and psychosocial support are also important for saving lives and for mental health. Efforts to help refugees in Sweden will also be included in the support.

Contact persons

Ylva Linderson, Research Secretary, Erling-Persson Foundation

Kristina Stenvinkel, Communications, Erling-Persson Foundation

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